Tuesday, October 20, 2009


At a session with Rocky on the draft Literacy Progressions. Have
downloaded the document so I have it readily available just like the NZC.

Teachers need a suite of tools as we promote learning for our students.

Woodlands Junior School (UK) has a wealth of interactive tools to engage our students towards new learning. There are links to literacy, science, maths and a range of inquiry areas.

"Ideas to Inspire" is a wealth of examples to help us as we make our conscious decisions to use e-learning tools which cater for specific learning needs. Check out "Ideas to Inspire".

And last but certainly not least, for a treasure trove of resources which support teaching and learning across the literacy progressions this resource has been devised. Constructed with input from the Tauranga group and added to by the Rotorua intake, this builds on the experience and expertise of the teachers who participated and contributed, superbly facilitated by Rocky.

Well worth putting a chunk of time aside to investigate and locate the recommended resources to help your learners.

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