Te Ranga School hosted our cluster share this term, with Gary and his staff providing a very warm welcome
“Thank you so much for today’s presentation out at Te Ranga. I found it very helpful as it filled a few holes for me but also highlighted just how far we have come as a cluster, let alone me as an individual!!!
“I used to get stressed at the thought of fitting in an inquiry but I have no problems now. An inquiry can take an hour or a term dependent upon the need. It is the process that is important."
Yep, we can’t keep filling our buckets. If we introduce something new, we need to ask ourselves what we are going to replace or do differently? As Mark commented, he has no problems with this now.
This session was a great time to review and springboard to new thinkings.
"The staff and I were very impressed and would like to have another look at your presentation."
"Could you please send me details of and /or copies of the following:
The posters
Info about the questioning dice
The info you showed us briefly about the brain (I don’t think I have seen all of that??)
And each of the key feature pages about Inquiry, from your power point today, where you had examples of what the children could do, written all around the page. You know what I mean???
Gee I hope I’m not being cheeky by asking for all of these?''
No probs at all. The brain link is down the page further... I am happy to share the resources I used. For those who haven't asked already, let's know which you want.
It is such a pleasure working with you all!
Today I have been introduced to blogging. Oh the possibilities! I can see how this would b such a wonderful learning tool to use in the classroom. Can't wait to learn more!!
I feel a little more confident and can see that I am doing bits here and there without knowing it. Jennie
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