Monday, March 19, 2007

Maketu Bloggers

Class Blogging is the topic of this afternoon's staff meeting at Maketu School. This will be a first for some and it would be great to have comments added on the value of blogging for their class and/or students.

It is always interesting to have people view your blog and it is great when they add a comment. Some however just quietly visit. It is also interesting to note where the viewers come from. A cluster map can do just that.

Have you thought about adding one to your blog?
Visit the Clustr Map web site. No, it isn't a spelling mistake, clustr is right.
- Get your own free account.
- Follow Instructions
- Copy the html they tell you to put on your site
- On Blogmeister, go to control panel and paste the html into the “About You” Window


Anonymous said...

looking forward to learning more about blogging

Anonymous said...

firstimer at blogging, sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

I thought a blog was swearing at your dog."You bl....og".From there it evolved

Anonymous said...

hi there. thanks for the pineapple lumps. did anyone else enjoy them?

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about blogging,. the mind boggles(or is that bloggles?)
I'm interested to know more.

Anonymous said...

can you pass them back now?

Anonymous said...

Its really usefull and powerful use of ict when students/tamariki are empowered with such useful feedback and are able to think forward. A new challenge for teachers.

Anonymous said...

+ + + great never done it before, need to make sure i continue useage progress. --- nil comment on negatives, only my green-ness.
Interesting. sounding scary but not really once you give it a go.

Anonymous said...

Interesting session. I look forward to adding to the class blog and involving the children. A lot to learn and finding time will be an issue.

Anonymous said...

Blogging session
PLus. Great to get a handle on blogging
Valuable for globalisation of our classes.
Great to see the positive response of all staff

Minus.I hope I can remember everything.

Interesting.What good idea could I have to Make a Million?

Anonymous said...

Plus= Excellent way for our children to interact with other children by reading and writing within the site.

Anonymous said...

Plus= wonderful tool for the tamariki and the kura to display connect to the wider community and even the world...great way to interact and get feedback...and to showcase the magic of maketu kura
Minus-time is always a factor, finding the time to fine tune
Interesting: it is certainly a way of getting and keeping the tamariki interested

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to recieving comments for my class, from others.
They'll be really motivated,to write about all sorts of things I'm sure.
I hope I can remember what to do when I'm on my own.

Anonymous said...

We are having a blog session here in Palmy with Jill from Queen Margaret College, Wellington.

Tom and Jody

Lorraine said... thanks everyone for your comments. A special thanks too to Jody and Tom who started this pathway for me. Great to have you drop by. Isn't it great to see how your workshop has grown?

We loved looking at your class blogs and all teachers were impressed with what is happening on your sites. We loved visiting Kathy Cassidy's site too. Check out:

We were particularly impressed with the work your new entrant children were doing on their blogs Jody. Can you congratulate them all from us please?

I can't wait to see what Maketu classes do with their sites.

Hey Tom and Jody how do you know that we were doing this tonight? Do you get a feed from our site? I'd love to know more...

Best wishes and thank you all for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lorraine,
Yes ... we do subscribe to your blog using your RSS feed. Tom gets you on his bloglines and I get you on my netvibes. So your new article came in and what do you know ... we were blogging too.
The children in Voyagers will love to hear your encouraging feedback - I'll pass it on in the morning. It is very exciting for Tom and I to see how the class blogmeister family is growing. Don't forget to let us know if you become a kiwi class blogging and we'll add you to the delicious page.


Our Cluster Journey Together Into New Horizons.